
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ch 10. Product Concepts

Product Concepts 

Product type

Airbnb’s product can be called an unsought product. It is still unknown for many potential buyers because it is pretty new. Airbnb is just 4 years old. The advertising and word of mouth have been the principal tools to create the awareness of Airbnb’s product in the marketplace. Their product varies so much. Besides offering a place to rent, Airbnb also offers a way to earn money. Then, we can say it is also an heterogenous product. 

Modifications and Product Warranty

Airbnb’s product had to go through some functional modifications. In order to reinforce the security against apartments vandalists, the travel network had to implement an insurance policy to protect users against these inconveniences.


One of the reasons of the sudden success of Airbnb is due to the limited competition. Among the travel networks out there such as “couch surfing”, Airbnb is the most know out of all of them. The heavy advertising launched as an attempt of introduce the new way of traveling, worked out even better than everyone imagined. 


                          COUCH SURFING



A big part of the succes of the travel network, was the branding strategy. Due to the product benefits that come with at private brand, Airbnb became a loyalty product that has created a connection between hosts and guests. It also enjoys the advantages of being the most popular in terms of price offers when the customer has to chose between it and the competition. Airbnb offers a totally difference experience. It goes beyond renting a room. Now it persuades the costumer with the implementation of the service in entire neighborhoods.

Packaging and Labeling

The e-commerce advertising plays the same role when companies like retailers feature products but in a different way. Airbnb’s presentation is the 
key component of differentiation with the competition. There is a reason why this travel network provides photographers for free to customers. It is all about the pretty pictures. The most important part of the advertising strategy among the description of the apartment, house or castle and the pink offers tags, is the good presentation of the product that Airbnb utilizes to do the best it can to influence the new travelers to book places.

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